What is workman’s compensation and why is it needed? Workers’ Compensation began in the U.S. in 1911. It took the United States 37 years for every state to pass its own workers’ compensation law. Wisconsin was the first in 1911. That same year, nine other states had workers’ compensation acts brought to fruition. While many…
Kacy Benefield
Old Man, Old Country
No matter what your political affiliations are, you cannot be happy with the direction of the country. This will probably be the only topic the Democrats and Republicans can both agree on. Well, that and the choices of candidates for the 2024 election are not any better. The bubbling question that many people are asking…
Kacy Benefield: Pro Humanity
The state of Texas is known for many things. From the love of their sports franchises like the Texas Rangers to their slogan “Everything’s Bigger in Texas”. Recently, the state has drawn a line in the sand surrounding abortion rights and vowing that all Texians are Pro Life. The fact that the state itself talks…
Kacy Benefield: Why Doesn’t the Media Cover These Cases?
Since the birth of cancel culture and the perceived power of the alphabet community (LGBTQ+), there is no truth to power. For the past decade we have heard every ridiculous argument as well as watched people cave to the demands of said community. So, if equality is all that is desired by this community, then…
The Girl who cried ‘WOLF!’
We have all heard the folklore of “The boy who cried wolf,” and while the tale is fictional, the lesson we learned represents a timeless reality: Making up stories, claiming a need for immediate help, then once the falsehood is discovered will almost certainly guarantee the help requested will be denied the next time. As…
Kacy Benefield: “Where Do I Sit?”
In today’s political climate, many Black voters are searching for candidates that align with their beliefs and values. The day of supporting the Democratic party just because have fallen by the wayside. The problem is the Conservative party and the Republican party appear to be two different parties but only consist of a single vote….